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AASAP/UK Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship

The AASAP/UK Board would like to invite applications for the 2024/25 Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship. 

Application information can be found below.


In 2012 AASAP/UK launched the Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship for study abroad students coming to the UK. Lord Acton was AASAP/UK’s first Honorary President, serving in this capacity from 2006 until his untimely death in 2010. His professional career included work as a banker, barrister, human rights campaigner, writer and politician. He sat in the House of Lords as both a life and hereditary peer on the Labour benches. He was a champion of international educational and cultural exchange, and offered invaluable assistance and guidance to AASAP/UK.


Recent Winners

Aluna Brogdon, Academic Year 2024/2025

Elizabeth C. Palmer, Academic Year 2023/2024

Anna Argulian, Academic Year 2022/2023

Harsh Dubey, Academic Year 2019/2020 - read his reflective essay here.

Nina Kambili, Academic Year 2018/2019 - read her reflective essay here

Taylor Claeys, Academic Year 2017/2018 - read her reflective essay here and see the photo of her accepting the scholarship here

King Fok, Fall 2016 - read his reflection essay here

Petra Rantanen, Fall 2015 - Read her reflective essay here. 


The purpose of the scholarship is to provide a deserving study abroad student with financial support to pursue academic study in the United Kingdom.  By offering the scholarship, AASAP/UK is fulfilling one of its purposes – the promotion and support of academic standards. The merit-based scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the value of an international educational experience and who agrees to share with AASAP/UK members the ways in which the scholarship has helped to fulfill their academic and personal ambitions.  The award will be £1,000 for a student whose programme lasts at least eight weeks.

The winning student will be required to attend an AASAP/UK meeting to meet the membership, receive the award, and give a short presentation on the goals and objectives that will be made possible through this financial support.  In addition, the scholarship recipient must provide a final written reflection on the impact of the scholarship on their study abroad experience, which will be uploaded to the Association website.


a. Enrolment in full-time education
b. Undergraduate status at a university or college based in the United States
c. Acceptance on a study abroad programme offered by an AASAP/UK FULL or ASSOCIATE member with a minimum length of eight weeks. See the updated list of full and associate members here.
d. Minimum cumulative 3.00 GPA
e. Willingness to share their experiences abroad with the AASAP/UK community in person at the beginning and through a reflective written piece at the end of their study abroad experience



March 2024 - Application window opens
28th May 2024 - Application deadline (11:59pm British Summer Time)
1th July 2024 - Winner will be announced


Download the application packet here

- Scanned Application Form with all fields completed
- Scanned Official Transcript showing GPA (3.00 minimum)
- Resume (maximum length ONE page)
- Statement (suggested length 500-750 words)
- At least one academic reference (to be sent separately by the referee)


Download a flyer that can be used to promote the scholarship. Please share with colleagues in the US.

Any questions, please contact [email protected]